Retiredbun notes: Attached below please find a warm and fragrant report about a note left by a former owner or tenent of a house to the new resident. FYI, such kind of notes that turns over to the newcomers are not unusually found in America, for I had encountered the same situation many times when I worked and lived in America. Why was that? Because almost all leasing and selling of a housing must be done through agents, so the former and the new resident will not have close encounter with each other as to exchange some necessary information.
We have to admit that the similar acts represent the quality of citizens living in a modern society.
女子搬新家发现前屋主留纸条:后院住着“老房客” 拜托继续照顾它
中国青年网 2018-07-20 07:12 显示图片
欢迎你们搬到这里,希望你们能享受住在这里的日子,就像我们以前那样,现在我有一个小小的请求,如果你们帮了忙,我们会十分感激。当然不帮也没有关系,这是你们的选择。在后院里,有一只上了年纪的橘猫,它是流浪猫,并且在那里已经住了12年了,但是它并不喜欢被人靠近。以前我们通常每天喂它两次,已经坚持了好几年。后院还有我们给它盖的小房子,供它冬天取暖和雨天躲雨。如果你们可以继续喂它,我们真的会万分感激。真的很遗憾我们没能把它带走。(Retiredbum notes: Feral cats are not that easy to be domesticated unless they are pregnant she-cats when you found them.)
Miranda说,当他们读纸条时,猫已经在门口等候了,根本不怕人。还好Miranda是热爱小动物的人,家里也养了好几只宠物,所以也不在乎再多一只猫。Miranda还为橘猫取名为Razum Dar。

Razum Dar